Storm clouds ahead?
Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)
There are some people to whom things just happen.
It may well be that John Bolaris is one of those people.
Last year, he was suspended from his job at WTXF-TV in Philadelphia (he was subsequently fired) after Playboy wrote that he had been the alleged victim of "bottle girls" in a Miami club.
These women, it seems, had the bottle to wring $43,000 from his credit card.
Now, more woman trouble.
As the New York Daily News reports, Bolaris appears to have been asleep when his girlfriend wrestled her way onto his Twitter account and began to make promises of a carnal nature.
His fiancee happens to be Erica Smitheman, a former Playboy model.
On Sunday, she claimed Bolaris was asleep and began tweeting from his account -- and what tweeting.
She first introduced herself, told his fans (Bolaris now appears occasionally on the Howard Stern show) that he loved them, and then promised to upload some nude shots.
The only shot she did reveal was one of herself in her underwear.
However, the tease was clearly a little too much for some of Bolaris' followers, who couldn't help but become Oliver Twists of the twisted and begged for more.
Smitheman also happened to mention that sex with the weatherman was like a rising high pressure system. (I paraphrase marginally.)
When he woke from his slumber, Bolaris tweeted: "Obviously my fiance had a little party on Twitter last night, she has been by my side through everything, I love her,Hmm interesting tweets [sic]."
I am slightly skeptical that Bolaris knew nothing of this amusement as it was happening.
Yes, he tweeted to one follower that Smitheman is now "under house arrest," but I somehow suspect that a little publicity doesn't cause inclement conditions in his career.
More Technically Incorrect
It was only last week that Bolaris was in court, testifying against the Russian crime syndicate that was allegedly at the heart of his initial issues.
After that evidence, he had to defend himself against a charge that he had defecated himself during the ordeal.
So what better way to divert any further malodor by having his comely fiancee be the frontwoman for an evening?
One hopes that Smitheman's foray inspires other lovers to take over their more famous paramour's Twitter accounts and see what joy they might cause.
How touching it would be, for example, if Chris Brown took over Rihanna's Twitter account for an evening and offered even more of the measured, mellifluous musings that he directed toward writer Jenny Johnson only a few days ago.
Weatherman's fiancee stages naked coup of his Twitter feed
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Weatherman's fiancee stages naked coup of his Twitter feed